Hey, I’m Ethan.
Welcome to my weave in the web for exploring ideas, sharing insights, and building portals to the possible.
Since a brush with death at sixteen, I’ve been on a grand adventure far out and in, leaning into living, and creating in the realms of word, imagery, and life itself.
I’ve much to share. If it’s your first time here, Most Popular Articles and GO. A Ridiculously Useful Guide to Cheap, Unconventional Travel are sweet places to start.
Also, my most inspired words often occur late at night in the form of Late Night Letters. Sent once-a-month to 3,000+ subscribers, I’d love to send the next to you too:
Most Popular Articles
The top twenty. A list of "greatest hits" based upon popularity, reactions from readers, and words I most want to share with you.
In This Together Bumper Sticker
A reminder to zoom out and encounter the vast mystery: we’re all in this together on a tiny blue-green ball covered in life floating in the infinite void of space.
A collection of my all-time favorite books with a summary and ten quotes from each.
A surreal “experiential potluck” experience among the natural world.
One of the coolest things about writing about my interests on the internet and hosting an annual WONDER WANDER is a spectacular increase in my luck surface area, or as I like to call it: surface area for serendipity.
Back in November, fellow camera-wielding friend and wonderwanderer Kevin sent me an out-of-the-blue text message. Could Richard, a legally-blind-totally-tapped-into-it sound healer we met capturing Festival of Yes, crash at my place for a weekend, and would I want to help film some sound baths?
I'd felt a particular resonance with Richard — college baseball player turned Peace Corps volunteer turned federal investigator, and longtime yogi that had an ocular stroke tragically taking a good deal of his vision, but also prompting a deep dive into vibration and sound — his life and energy inspired mine.
And now, six months and a thousand miles away, with one text from a friend, Richard was coming to crash and hang at my place for the weekend.