Hello and welcome,

I’m Ethan, a creative stoked on curiosity and wonder ever-so-grateful to be here and now on a planet covered in life cruising the void of space.

At sixteen years old, a near death experience forever changed my life. Seeing that a lifetime is no guarantee, I sought to live now and a better understanding of “what’s really going on on here?” After pedaling a bicycle across the USA at twenty-one, I recognized shoestring-cheap travel and reading books as a means of pursuing both and set out on what became a five-year walkabout.

In ways I could have never imagined that journey changed me. How I spend my time, see the world, my sense of “self” — and much more — was enormously and forever altered. Writing along the way, I shared what I learned and discovered a creative vein within me.

I write to share awareness of the most profound, awesome, and useful things I find in my own experience. This blog has also become a means of connecting with others, increasing my “surface area for serendipity” in all sorts of remarkable ways, and bringing people together for a wondrous annual experiment in community I host called WONDER WANDER.

Heading out for a sunset sand dune tea ceremony at WONDER WANDER 2021.

Adventures I’ve lived:

Things I’ve Created:


Interesting Things:

Late Night Letters

Last night of the month, I write late into the night and send a letter (along with things I’ve created) to my fellow beings. Sent to 3,000+ subscribers, I’d love to send the next to you too.


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© Ethan Maurice 2025