Ethan Maurice

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The Dice Man

By: Luke Rhinehart


The Dice Man shakes things up. Playing with the overlooked role of chance in the universe and our lives, the novel chronicles the wild exploits of Dr. Luke Rhinehart, a bored psychologist who decides to make all decisions with the roll of a dice.

With counter-culture subversiveness, Dr. Rhinehart lays siege to planning and reason. While surely overdoing it at times, he ultimately hits his mark in offering deeply intoxicating perspectives of possibility and chance.

Dependent on their values, people tend to love or hate this book. It was loaned to me by eighty-seven year old, fun-loving, deeply engrossed-in-life Ed Buryn, author of Vagabonding in Europe and Vagabonding in America. A great rascal of a human I am unsurprised totally loved the book.

After reading, I threw a convinced half a dozen friends to participate in a nine day “dice life” experiment with me. A couple of them still carry a die around today. I still dream of hosting a “dice party” some fateful night.

Update: I threw a “dice party” at WONDER WANDER 2022. Infused with the philosophy and results of chance, it was very rad. A year later, someone literally tattooed a pair of dice on their arm to mark the experience and remember to “dance on the feet of Chance.”

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