By Ethan Maurice | July 31, 2023
Fellow riders on spaceship Earth,
May I introduce to you the ‘In This Together’ Bumper Sticker — a symbolic reminder that we are literally in this together, residing on a tiny blue-green ball of life miraculously afloat in the void of space.
One night, in a flash of inspiration, the whole thing: idea, phrase, and image, just struck me. But an hour later, I had designed the whole bumper sticker.
By combining the phrase “in this together” with the Earth from NASA’s iconic “Earthrise” image, this bumper sticker points to the obvious but far-from-culturally-integrated truth that we are all in this together here on a life-covered ball adrift among endless emptiness.
The iconic “Earthise” image.
Concepts, countries, religions, beliefs — the vast majority of our cultural foundations were formed long before this higher perspective could be perceived. Our imagined divisions, non-circular systems, and self-inflected existential crises make no sense from this perspective — our world, a beautiful blue-green ball of life floating among endless space.
As Stewart Brand fascinatingly foresaw before such an image even existed, the symbol to represent this perspective shift is undoubtedly the view of Earth from space. And as a religion with a cross, company with an apple, and athletic event with five colored rings can attest, nothing resonates across culture like a simple and repeatedly encountered symbol.
I invite you to join me in rocking an ‘In This Together’ Bumper Sticker, to drive the repeated encounter and symbolic spread of the wildest of truths: we all live on a little blue-green ball afloat in the void of space.
Each 11”x3” bumper stick costs $1 (plus $6 for shipping and handling).
Why pay $7 for one, when you could grab four for $10, twenty for $26, or a hundred for $106 to share with your fellow riders on spaceship Earth?